Singing Guide: Miss Saigon

Singing Guide: Miss Saigon

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

When the musical Miss Saigon premiered in 1989, audiences were immediately drawn to the powerful voice of the actress playing the lead role, Kim. The original star, Lea Salonga, set a standard with her soaring vocals and gripping performances that actors playing the part would have to meet or exceed for years to come.

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Lea Salonga in Miss Saigon, there are several key things to keep in mind.

  • First, work on your vocal range. Salonga's performance requires her to hit high notes with stunning clarity and precision. You can figure out your own range with Singing Carrots’ vocal range test, which compares your results to those of famous singers. Once you know your range, check out Singing Carrots’ search tool to find songs that match your vocal style and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.
  • Next, focus on your breath support. The intense, emotional songs of Miss Saigon demand a lot from your breathing, and the Singing Carrots’ breathing basics article can help you better understand how to breathe effectively when singing.
  • Third, pay attention to vocal registers. Like many musical theater shows, Miss Saigon requires actors to switch seamlessly between chest voice and head voice. The breath support article also discusses registers and the vocal break. You can further explore these vocal concepts in the Singing Carrots’ article about voice registers and their use in singing.

When it comes to singing specific songs from Miss Saigon, there are a few that really showcase Salonga's unique vocal style. Songs like "I'd Give My Life for You" and "Sun and Moon" require a powerful yet controlled voice with vibrant energy. They're dramatic and emotional, so practice by incorporating feelings of passion and longing into your voice.

To boost your skills in these areas, check out Singing Carrots’ pitch training and vocal distortion and growling exercises. They’re both great ways to build strength and technique, which will help you belt out those high notes like a pro.

By focusing on your range, breath support, and vocal registers, and incorporating the emotions of the songs, you can learn how to sing like the incredible Lea Salonga in Miss Saigon. With Singing Carrots’ tools and exercises, you’ll be mastering these techniques in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.